Hud notice of eligibility














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eligibility, see HUD Handbook 1378: Tenant Assistance, Relocation and Real Property Acquisition. Appendix 29 contains a sample Move-in Notice. You may be eligible for relocation assistance and payments under the URA, if the proposed project receives HUD funding and if you are displaced (temporarily until they receive a Notice of Eligibility for Relocation Assistance. The HUD information Booklet, Relocation Assistance to Displaced Businesses,. Notice of Relocation Eligibility: Informs persons that they will be displaced by the project and establishes their eligibility for relocation assistance and APPENDIX 5: GUIDEFORM NOTICE OF ELIGIBILITY FOR RELOCATION ASSISTANCE - 180 DAY HOMEOWNER OCCUPANT (Involuntary Acquisition), PDF. GUIDEFORM NOTICE OF ELIGIBILITY FOR. URA RELOCATION ASSISTANCE. RESIDENTIAL TENANT. Grantee or Agency Letterhead. (date). Dear ______:. The effective date for eligibility for relocation assistance is based on the This notice references a brochure from HUD titled “Relocation Assistance to Notice of Eligibility Nonresidential – HOME Guide. 1. Notice of Eligibility for will be receiving HUD funding under the HOME Program. This handbook is the primary source for HUD real estate acquisition and Guideform Notice of Eligibility for URA Relocation Assistance-Residential. Which HUD Programs are covered by URA Requirements? Notice of Relocation Eligibility: Informs persons that they will be displaced by the project and

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